At 4 AM

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I go months without blogging before returning where I left off. I don't think this cycle will ever change.

It is past four in the morning, I am in Omaha, Nebraska, and I am waiting for my best friend to go into labor (she is a few days past due).

I can't think of a much better time to blog.

However, since this is indeed four AM, I will blog via bullet points.

  • I am engaged to a man named Mark. Who would have thought? My intended is my best friend and the love of my life. I also think we are pretty darn adorable together. I am sure you will hear a great deal about our upcoming wedding (if I keep blogging, that is).
  • I am a cast member of the Vagina Memoirs, my school's version of the Vagina Monologues. Unlike the Monologues, the Memoirs are our stories, not fiction. The performance is in February, and I have an inkling that the road to the performance will be a transformative one.
  • I have one year left of my undergrad. I considered graduate school for this coming fall, but with the wedding next year and some health issues, I am going to take a small break between graduation and graduate school.
  • I didn't hear back. 
  • In November, I was diagnosed with PTSD. I am learning to heal.
  • In general, I am feeling quite optimistic about life. I have a great deal going on, but I actually want to be doing everything that I am doing.
  • Between this post and my last one in July, I watched the entire series of Breaking Bad. My fiancee wants to have a Breaking Bad groom's cake. I am quite excited about this idea.
  • I have recently started a couponing hobby. I get a bit of a high when I walk out of a store with armfuls of bags for mere pennies. I promise not to become a hoarder.
  • As mentioned before, I am currently with my best friend, waiting for the birth of her daughter. I cannot wait to be an Aunt, and I cannot wait for Kylie to be my maid of honor and her daughter to be my flower girl. That last sentence made me feel like a grown-up.
  • In the last few months, I have almost lost my own life. I would like to give that story the time and space it deserves, because I think it needs to be told. 
  • I have been reading Thich Nhat Nanh. 
“Because you are alive, everything is possible.”
My air mattress is calling me to sleep. I hope to be more present here. I do in fact have a lot to say.

Be well.